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How to find a variety of resources related to criminal justice, law, and related topics.

Criminal Justice Databases

Below are some suggested search tools for finding articles related to criminal justice. 

General Criminal Justice Databases

Law Databases

Connecting Citations

This next database is a citation index. When you find an article in it, it will link you to research cited in it as well as later research that cite it, all of which may be relevant to your topic.

Evaluate Your Results

Got a long list of results and not sure which ones to use? Try the Evaluating Sources Research Guide.

Interlibrary Loan (Articles)

If you cannot locate a journal article, use the Interlibrary Loan Forms.  A librarian will locate a library that owns the material and will send for what you need.

Before placing a request, check the Citation Finder to make sure Beeghly does not have a copy.

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