How to find scholarly research on history in books and journal articles, getting background information, how to find primary sources, and citing your sources.
Digitized full-text American newspapers. Coverage runs from the colonial era through Reconstruction.
Search hundreds of historical American newspapers from across the country, including niche publications such as abolitionist newspapers and ethnic newspapers. Limit search by year, president in office, historical era, place of publication, and type of article, including advertisements.
The AAS historical collection includes books, newspapers, magazines, graphics arts materials and other documents from the United States from the 1600s through 1912. This full-text collection is a great source for information about the early years of the U.S.
Source for the quantitative facts of American history
The standard source for the quantitative facts of American history. HSUS provides data on social, behavioral, humanistic, and natural sciences including history, economics, government, finance, sociology, demography, education, law, natural resources, climate, religion, international migration, and trade - quantitative facts of American History. The fully searchable and downloadable electronic edition permits users to graph individual tables and create customized tables and spreadsheets reflecting their own particular areas of interest.
Scanned images of all the pages of Harpers Weekly from the Civil War and Reconstruction eras, 1857-1871, together with a series of indexes
The electronic version of Harper's Weekly from the Civil War and Reconstruction eras, 1857-1871. HarpWeek includes all the pages of Harper's Weekly as scanned images, together with a series of indexes. Harper's Weekly was a leading national weekly during the second half of the nineteenth-century, providing information and insights on political, military and social issues and events prior to and during the Civil War. HarpWeek includes news, editorials, stories, illustrations, book reviews, serialized novels, advertising and maps from the weekly. It also includes biographical information about period leaders.
For a full list of the library's primary source databases, see: