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Guide to library and other resources on English, including literary criticism and writing.


Core Databases

MLA International Bibliography and Literary Reference Center cover a wide variety of English and literature topics. MLA has more of an emphasis on peer-reviewed articles than LRC, which mixes those articles with book chapters and reference material.

Citation Index

The next database is a citation index. It links together articles that cite each other, which are likely to be on similar topics.

Additional Databases

These databases are on multiple subjects but have good coverage of scholarship on literature.

Evaluate Your Results

Got a long list of results and not sure which ones to use? Try the Evaluating Sources Research Guide.

Interlibrary Loan (Articles)

If you cannot locate a journal article, use the Interlibrary Loan Forms.  A librarian will locate a library that owns the material and will send for what you need.

Before placing a request, check the Citation Finder to make sure Beeghly does not have a copy.

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