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ENG 101: The Environment

This guide directs you to resources on all aspects of the environment, whether the natural environment or man-made (the social, cultural environment).

Beeghly Research Databases

Use the Research Databases to identify articles in periodicals.  Select the database most appropriate to the topic you are interested in learning about.  Most disciplines include scholarly journals, as well as popular magazines, trade publications, or newspapers that cover the current issues within a field. 

Database Searching Tips

Are you able to search

  • For only Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed Sources?
  • By year of publication?
  • By subject?
  • For cited sources?
  • Subject-specific features?

Use advanced search strategies

  • Use Boolean Logic - "AND" to combine terms, "OR" to compile a list of synonyms or similar concepts, "NOT" to eliminate a term
  • Search for word variations by using the asterisk* to truncate the root word, ex. librar* searches for libraries, library, librarian 
  • Notice Subject Terms assigned to describe an article and use them in your search

Once you find your articles

  • Can you save them to a folder to review, email, or print later?
  • Can you select a bibliographic style manual for the citations?
  • Are there links to works cited?
  • Is there an indication if this article has been cited?
  • Is there full-text attached?
  • Can you link to full-text in another source?

Most databases will have a Help section explaining its features