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Finding sources on chemistry through Beeghly Library.

Databases for Chemistry

Core Chemistry Databases

SciFinder Scholar is the most comprehensive chemistry database available at Heidelberg. All of the search options in the References section look for scholarly journal articles. First-time users will need to register an account with SciFinder using their Heidelberg email. This must be done on campus. After you have registered, SciFinder â€‹can be used off-campus. 

SciFinder is a complex database that works a bit differently than many of the other databases Heidelberg provides. Use the help and training pages to get the most out of it. 

Besides SciFinder, you might also look at Science Citation Index Expanded. This database searches for articles on all natural science topics. It's key feature is the ability to connect an article with other research cited in it, as well as later reseach which cite it, allowing you to find related sources easily. 

Other Databases

These databases may be useful for chemistry research as well.