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HNR 303: Artist: The Films of Stanley Kubrick: Find Sources


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Find Articles Online

A great way to start your search in these databases is by typing "Stanley Kubrick." From there you can add keywords when you need to refine your search through the "Advanced Search" option.

You will notice that a lot of the database interfaces look the same, however they are not the same databases. While they may have duplicate articles among them, they each offer unique information about Kubrick and his films. 

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Searching Tips

If you are having trouble locating information specifically on the film you are looking for, try searching, "Stanley Kubrick" and the title of your film. For example: 

  • Stanley Kubrick AND Lolita

This will give you articles that discuss both, the director and the film. 

You can also add more keywords, like "Music" to make your search more specific.