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MLA Citation (7th edition)

How to cite sources in the 7th edition of MLA.

In Text Citations

For an overview of the various ways to cite information in text in MLA style, see the Purdue OWL, which provides an overview of the basic in text citation formats.

Basic Journal Article Citation

Author's last name, Author's first name. "Title of the Article." Name of Publication volume.issue (Year): pages. Medium of


Additional information required in citations of electronic journals:

After the page numbers, include the name of the database or website the piece comes from, and include the date the information was accessed after the medium of publication.

Scholarly Journal Article - Print

Mueller, Ned. "The Teddy Bears' Picnic: Four-Year-Old Children's Personal Constructs in Relation to Behavioural Problems and

          to Teacher Global Concern."  Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 37.4 (1996): 381-389. 


Scholarly Journal Article - from a Library Database

Otgaar, Henry, Ingrid Candel, Harald Merckelbach, and Kimberley A. Wade. "Abducted by a UFO: Prevalence Information Affects

          Young Children's False Memories for an Implausible Event." Applied Cognitive Psychology 23.1 (2009): 115-125. 

          Psychology and Behavioral Sciences CollectionWeb. 12 Aug. 2010.

Magazine Article - Print

Magazines are cited differently than journal publications. See if you can spot the difference between the journal citations above and the magazine citations below.

Davies, Paul. "Are ALIENS Among Us?"  Scientific American Dec. 2007: 62-69. Print.

Citations from magazines for the general public, such as Scientific American, Time, Newsweek, or People, do not require volume or issue number, and the date is not placed in parentheses.

Magazine Article - from a Library Database

Brandt, Andrew. "Gummi Bears Trick a Fingerprint Scanner." PC World Aug 2004: 124-125. Academic Search

          Complete. Web.10 June 2009.